动画名称:愿望精灵小姐妹,Shimmer and Shine,56集,mkv,1280x720p,奇幻 / 冒险,英语发音 内嵌英文字幕
Shimmer and Shine_愿望精灵小姐妹_ 尼克动画介绍
《愿望精灵小姐妹》英文名Shimmer and Shine是美国尼克nick公司继《梦幻魔法师》之后推出的又一部针对3-6岁的儿童动画片,风格上也和前者十分相似。动画讲述的是小女孩Leah有一对双胞胎精灵小姐妹,她们可以每天实现leah的三个愿望,但是由于她们是年轻的“Genies”,所以也经常出错,她们是Leah的秘密帮手,平时她们要隐藏起来。
愿望精灵小姐妹Shimmer and Shine 尼克动画预览
愿望精灵小姐妹Shimmer and Shine 目录
Shimmer and Shine S01E01 Genie Treehouse
Shimmer and Shine S01E02 Ahoy Genies
Shimmer and Shine S01E03 The Sweetest Thing
Shimmer and Shine S01E04 Lights Cameras Genies
Shimmer and Shine S01E05 What a Pig Mess
Shimmer and Shine S01E06 Abraca-Genie
Shimmer and Shine S01E07 Dino-Might
Shimmer and Shine S01E08 A Very Genie Halloweenie
Shimmer and Shine S01E09 Backyard Ballet
Shimmer and Shine S01E10 Game On
Shimmer and Shine S01E11 Santas Little Genies
Shimmer and Shine S01E12 Spaceship Wrecked
Shimmer and Shine S01E13 Happy Wishaversary
Shimmer and Shine S01E14 Sleep-Over Party
Shimmer and Shine S01E15 Dream Dollhouse
Shimmer and Shine S01E16 Gone Bowlin
Shimmer and Shine S01E17 The Great Skate Mistake
Shimmer and Shine S01E18 Escape Goat
Shimmer and Shine S01E19E20 The First Wish
Shimmer and Shine S02E01 Welcome to Zahramay Falls
Shimmer and Shine S02E02 All Bottled Up
Shimmer and Shine S02E03 Zoom Zahramay
Shimmer and Shine S02E04 A Tree-mendous Rescue
Shimmer and Shine S02E05 Flying Flour
Shimmer and Shine S02E06 Mermaid Mayhem
Shimmer and Shine S02E07 Snow Place Wed Rather Be
Shimmer and Shine S02E08 Starry Night Sleepover
Shimmer and Shine S02E09 Wild Carpet Chase
Shimmer and Shine S02E10 Lost and Found
Shimmer and Shine S02E11 Freeze-amay Falls
Shimmer and Shine S02E12 Bling Bling
Shimmer and Shine S02E13 Staffinated
Shimmer and Shine S02E14 Dragon Pox
Shimmer and Shine S02E15 Lightning in a Bottle
Shimmer and Shine S02E16 Size of the Beholder
Shimmer and Shine S02E17 Zoomicorn Toss
Shimmer and Shine S02E18 Double Trouble
Shimmer and Shine S02E19 Zany Ziffilon
Shimmer and Shine S02E20E21 Volcano Draino-Cleanie Genies
Shimmer and Shine S02E22E23 Now You See Her-Untamed Talent
Shimmer and Shine S02E24E25 The Crystal Queen The Glob
Shimmer and Shine S02E26E27 Frosty Fun-Zeta In Training
Shimmer and Shine S02E28E29 Pet Bedroom Boom Zahra-Mom
Shimmer and Shine S02E30E31 Masquerade Charade-The Silent Treatment
Shimmer and Shine S02E32E33 Potion Control-Feel Better
Shimmer and Shine S02E34 The Pirate Genie
Shimmer and Shine S02E35E36 Trick Or Treasure-Easy As Pie
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