麦克小骑士_Mike the Knight,BBC英语动画片62集下载(4-10岁男孩)

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发表于 2022-12-4 10:31:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  麦克小骑士Mike the Knight,全两季62集。第一季52集,第二季10集,外挂srt英文字幕。


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Be a Knight, and Do it Right

Mike the Knight is a brand new animated TV series bringing the excitement and enchantment of medieval times into the life of the modern pre-schooler for the very first time. In each action-packed episode, viewers are transported to a world filled with marvellous missions, castles, dragons, Vikings and trolls.
Mike is an energetic, cheeky yet bountiful young knight-in-training, driven by his passion to help others and, along the way, be the best knight he can be. With his father, the King away exploring faraway lands Queen Martha has put Mike in charge of helping her protect the Kingdom of Glendragon.
Determined to do his best, through comedy and adventure with his rallying cry ‘Be a knight, do it right’ Mike learns the power of responsibility and how to do things the right way。


01.The Smiley Treasure
02.Evie's Birthday
03.Invisible Monster
04.Fluttering Favour
05.Trollee's Sleepover
06.Galahad The Great
07.Scary Noise
08.Special Signal
09.Trollee In Trouble
10.Buried Treasure
11.Scary Dragons
12.Tricky Trail
13.Sir Trollee
14.Great Gallop
15.Peace and Quiet
16.Mission Mess
17.Dragon Squire
18.Glendragon News4
19.Knight Hider
20.Squirt's Story
21.Mission Home
22.Mighty Shield
23.Many Knights5
24.Real Swords
25.Snow Dragon0
26.Santa's Little Helper
27 Knightly Campout
28 Big Parade
29 New Castle
30 Big Swap
31 Wizard's Treasure
32 Triple Trophy Triumph
33 The Great Rescue
34 Sparkie's Amazing Thing
35 The Most Medals
36 Sir Super
37 Wild Boar
38 The Greatest Story Ever
39 Polka Dot Horse
40 Real Dragon
41 Troll Treat Pie
42 Flying Corgis
43 Lost Pots
44 The Great Protector
45 Knightly Welcome
46 The Monster
47 Favour for Trollee
48 Magic Pot
49 Jewel of Glendragon
50 Busiest Day
51 Viking Snow Day


1. Mike the Knight and the Night Time Lookout
Mike wants to be the only lookout - even if it means staying up all night.

2. Mike the Knight and Evie's New Friend
Evie conjures up a new friend to help with sandcastle building.

3. Mike the Knight and the Super Trebuchet
When Trollee beats Mike at target practice, Mike's sure his trebuchet must be the reason.

4. Mike the Knight and the Glendragon Big Band
Mike thinks that the bigger his band is, the more knightly the music they play will be.

5. Mike the Knight and Bird Training
Squirt decides that he wants to be able to deliver messages far away.

6. Mike the Knight and the Broken Shield
Mike wants to help Trollee distract the Vikings, but doesn't want to share his equipment.

7. Mike the Knight and Evie's Help
Evie magics Squirt to the top of a high tree. Mike makes it his mission to rescue him.

8. Mike the Knight and Trollee the Apprentice
Trollee tries to be both Mike and Evie's apprentice.

9. Mike the Knight and Fooling Day
Mike tries to make Squirt laugh by playing tricks on him, but it only makes Squirt upset.

10. Mike the Knight and the Safest Kingdom
Mike thinks Evie's magic is making the kingdom dangerous and hides her wand.)

《Mike the Knight》麦克小骑士 BBC英语原版动画 男孩最爱全62集







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