故事主要是描述在一座被冰雪覆盖又与世隔绝的森林,里面住着一群可爱的小动物。这里不但没有刺骨的寒风,却还有着最最温暖的阳光呢!故事的主角,是一只充满好奇心又淘气的小企鹅PORORO,以及他的好朋友们,里面有纯真自然的大白熊‘波比’、有点自以为是又爱管闲事的红狐狸‘艾迪’、胆小又害羞的海狸‘露比’以及PORORO的小跟班‘小龙’, 大家快乐的一起生活在一起。这些好朋友们都有自己独特的个性和不同的兴趣,在大家相处的过程中有时会有争吵,有时又会发生很多有趣的事。
pororo - S1_EP01. We're Friends
pororo - S1_EP02. It's All Right
pororo - S1_EP03. Ice Fishing
pororo - S1_EP04. Smile, Smile, Smile!
pororo - S1_EP05. What Happen to My Face!!
pororo - S1_EP06. Achoo, I Got a Cold
pororo - S1_EP07. Dream of Flying
pororo - S1_EP08. Treasure Hunting
pororo - S1_EP09. Who Touched My Snowman
pororo - S1_EP10. Crong the Troublemaker
pororo - S1_EP11. Let's Play Together
pororo - S1_EP12. Can't I Have the Moon
pororo - S1_EP13. Eddy's Secret
pororo - S1_EP14. A Magic Flute
pororo - S1_EP16. Wanna Have a Round
pororo - S1_EP17. Crong's Christmas
pororo - S1_EP18. Loopy, You Can Do It!
pororo - S1_EP19. Eddy and Telescope
pororo - S1_EP20. A Jigsaw Puzzle
pororo - S1_EP21. Kite-flying
pororo - S1_EP22. Save Loopy!
pororo - S1_EP23. Train Adventure
pororo - S1_EP24. Be Careful!
pororo - S1_EP25. Pororo and Dandelion
pororo - S1_EP26. Hiccup Cure
pororo - S1_EP27. Pororo Meets with a Whale
pororo - S1_EP28. Magnetic Play
pororo - S1_EP29. Stomach Ache!
pororo - S1_EP30. Dancing Together
pororo - S1_EP31. Eddy the Great Inventor
pororo - S1_EP32. To Tell the Truth..
pororo - S1_EP33. Eddy Goes to the Moon
pororo - S1_EP34. Bonbon Box
pororo - S1_EP35. A Strange Car
pororo - S1_EP36. Cooking Popcorn
pororo - S1_EP37. Mystical Ghost Light
pororo - S1_EP38. A Surprise Box
pororo - S1_EP39. I Want to Sleep
pororo - S1_EP40. Pororo's Surprise Party!
pororo - S1_EP41. I am Superpenguin
pororo - S1_EP42. Sleepless Poby
pororo - S1_EP43. Crong, I'm sorry
pororo - S1_EP44. Loopy Has a New Friend
pororo - S1_EP45. Lost in Forest
pororo - S1_EP46. Loopy the Fortunteller
pororo - S1_EP47. Eddy's Balloon
pororo - S1_EP48. A Day of Pororo's Town
pororo - S1_EP49. A Magic Lamp
pororo - S1_EP50. Little Cooks
pororo - S1_EP51. Loopy's gift
pororo - S1_EP52. A Magic?Can.mp4
Pororo S2_01_Hello, Friends
Pororo S2_02_Petty's House
Pororo S2_03_Learning How to Swim
Pororo S2_04_Poby the Photographer
Pororo S2_05_It's a dinosaur!
Pororo S2_06_Sailing in the Forest
Pororo S2_07_My Name is Harry
Pororo S2_08_I Love Singing
Pororo S2_09_Crong the Great Painter
Pororo S2_10_A Pretty Hair Pin
Pororo S2_11_I Can Fly
Pororo S2_12_I Envy You
Pororo S2_13_The Biggest Snowman
Pororo S2_14_Petty, You Are So Cool
Pororo S2_15_Pororo Shrunk
Pororo S2_16_Shark Attack!
Pororo S2_17_Crong's First Word
Pororo S2_18_Shhh! It's a Secret
Pororo S2_19_Who Did This
Pororo S2_20_The Cook of Genius
Pororo S2_21_Thanks, Harry!
Pororo S2_22_I Am Not a Bed-Wetter
Pororo S2_23_I'm Super Crong
Pororo S2_24_Snow White, Loopy
Pororo S2_25_Eddy on the Moon
Pororo S2_26_Crong Meets with a Seal
Pororo S2_27_My Toy Fellas
Pororo S2_28_Loopy and Petty
Pororo S2_29_Scary cookies
Pororo S2_30_Finding toy
Pororo S2_Ending theme song
Pororo S2_Opening theme song
Pororo_S2_31_Petty's secret friend
Pororo_S2_32_Don't do that!
Pororo_S2_33_No more troubles!
Pororo_S2_34_You are not alone!
Pororo_S2_35_Beautiful color land
Pororo_S2_36_Petty likes me the most
Pororo_S2_37_Harry and Crong disappeared
Pororo_S2_38_Loopy the Magician
Pororo_S2_39_Friends from Outer Space
Pororo_S2_40_Snowball ghost
Pororo_S2_41_The Dragon comes to town
Pororo_S2_42_Good Crong, Bad Crong
Pororo_S2_43_Pig Pororo
Pororo_S2_44_A Snowy Day
Pororo_S2_45_Is Pororo sick
Pororo_S2_46_Do you need any help
Pororo_S2_47_A Piece of Cake
Pororo_S2_48_Robot cook
Pororo_S2_49_What's this smell
Pororo_S2_50_Return of Robot cook
Pororo_S2_51_Viruses are following me
Pororo_S2_52_Watch out Pororo
Pororo S3_Opening Theme Song_ENG
Pororo_S3_01_Popo and Pipi
Pororo_S3_02_Everything looks amazing
Pororo_S3_03_Rody is born
Pororo_S3_04_Happy Rody
Pororo_S3_05_Toy plane
Pororo_S3_06_Dragon the magician
Pororo_S3_07_I want to be a super hero
Pororo_S3_08_Mighty Harry
Pororo_S3_09_Catch the big fish
Pororo_S3_10_It's my toy
Pororo_S3_11_Princess Loopy
Pororo_S3_12_Strange soccer
Pororo_S3_13_Watch out, Eddy!
Pororo_S3_14_Cooking trouble
Pororo_S3_15_Clumsy magician
Pororo_S3_16_Weather forecast
Pororo_S3_17_Thanks, Eddy
Pororo_S3_18_Loopy's present
Pororo_S3_19_Play with Crong
Pororo_S3_20_Flying Poby
Pororo_S3_21_Petty the red riding hood
Pororo_S3_22_Baseball star, Rody
Pororo_S3_23_Playful Nyao
Pororo_S3_24_Petty and Nyao
Pororo_S3_25_Mischievous wind
Pororo_S3_26_Poby is missing
Pororo_S3_27_Loopy's doll
Pororo_S3_28_Singing Passion
Pororo_S3_29_Amazing Magic Wand
Pororo_S3_30_You're the Best, Poby
Pororo_S3_31_Night Wonders
Pororo_S3_32_Where Did The Ball Go
Pororo_S3_33_Toy Frog
Pororo_S3_34_Scribble Fun
Pororo_S3_35_Crong and the Shooting Star
Pororo_S3_36_Got a Cold
Pororo_S3_37_Strange Games
Pororo_S3_38_Best Friends
Pororo_S3_39_Poby's Birthday
Pororo_S3_40_Eddy's Song
Pororo_S3_41_Cloning Machine
Pororo_S3_42_Cleaning Trouble
Pororo_S3_43_Strange Adventure 1
Pororo_S3_44_Strange Adventure 2
Pororo_S3_45_Sled Race
Pororo_S3_46_Rody's Dream
Pororo_S3_47_Magic Potion 1
Pororo_S3_48_Magic Potion 2
Pororo_S3_49_Fun Picnic
Pororo_S3_51_Snowy Day
Pororo_S3_52_Wonderful Playground
Pororo S3_Ending_ENG
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