- 本专辑共120期,涵盖衣、食、住、行、健康、教育、运动等全方位生活场景。
- 有发音、重点词汇的讲解,并有文本辅助。
- 〈接地气〉-最平实的生活体验,每期内容都是日常生活最常见的情景再现,没有炫技没有浮躁,每句话都与您的生活息息相通。
- 〈最易学〉-语句简练地道,可轻松掌握。如果您英语本来就挺好,这个专辑的口语表达必定有您扫不到的死角;如果您英语基础不太牢固也可以无障碍完全掌握,不会带给你挫折感。
- 〈最实用〉-生活化表达更地道,适用范围广,不输任何成人口语课程。
本资源是《胖胖亲子英语》的音频下载,mp3格式,“胖胖亲子英语”全集是120集,艾特早教论坛收集到了103集的音频下载, 已经是网上最全的版本了,如果有哪位网友有后17集的音频,可以上传资源帮忙补齐哦。
001 Getting Up
002 Getting Dressed
003 Table Manners
004 I Have a Fever
005 Eating Hot Pot
006 Dress Yourself
007 Wash Your Face
008 Using the Toilet
009 Taking a Bath
010 In the Bathtub
011 Ready for Dinner
012 Dining
013 Eating Out
014 Snacks
015 Having a Picnic
016 Use of Tableware
017 Hygienic Habits
018 Helping Around the House
019 Help in the Kitchen
020 Merry Christmas
021 Seasons
022 Happy New Year
023 Doing the Laundry
024 Tidy Up Your Toys
025 In the Supermarket
026 I Want This, Mom
027 Making a Cake
028 Building Blocks
029 The Spring Festival
030 Using the Elevator
031 Watching Cartoons
032 Drawing
033 Handicraft
034 Playing with Daddy
035 Making a Snowman
036 Bedtime
037 Paper Folding
038 On the Playground
039 Play House
040 Hide and Seek
041 Singing and Dancing
042 Playing in the Sand
043 Let's play ball
044 Blow Bubbles
045 Let's Fly a Kite
046 Learn to Ride a Bike
047 Let's Jump Rope
048 Learn to Ride a Scooter
049 Simon Says
050 In the Bakery
051 McDonald's
052 Play at Friend's House
053 Make a Call
054 On Arbor Day
055 Walk to School
056 Take a Bus
057 In the Car
058 Take the Subway
059 On a Rainy Day
060 Happy Birthday
061 Happy Children's Day
062 In the Amusement Park
063 In the Naughty Fort
064 Have a Haricut
065 Check-up
066 Caught a Cold
067 See a Doctor
068 A Toothache
069 A Rash
070 Diarrhea
071 Eye Fatigue
072 Chickenpox
073 Constipation
074 Loosing a Tooth
075 Go Swimming
076 Walking in the Park
077 Go to the Movies
078 Go Hiking
079 Go to the Seaside
080 In the Zoo
081 Go to the Library
082 In the Aquarium
083 Go by Train
084 Travel by Air
085 Being Alone in the House
086 Raising Flowers
087 Keeping a Pet
088 Go to Kindergarten
089 Pick You Up
090 How Is He Doing
091 Misbehaving
092 Getting Hurt
093 Ending a Fight
094 School Bully
095 A Boy or a Girl
096 I Have a Brother
098 Take an Afternoon Nap
099 Sharing Toys
100 After-school Classes
101 Asking for a Leave
102 I Can Do It
103 Organize Your Things
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