《皮特猫Pete the cat 》系列有利于培养孩子自信、乐观、勇敢的优秀品格,它让孩子学会接纳自己、直面困难、乐于分享! 你可以带着孩子在《我爱我的脏鞋子》里发现颜色,在《我的无敌大纽扣》里学会简单的算术,在《我拯救了圣诞节》里学习帮助 他人,在《猜猜我在哪儿》里认识学校,在《今天有场大球赛》里了解失败,在《我实在吃不完了》里寻找分享的乐趣。更重要的是,孩子可以从中学会认知自己的 情绪,学会哈哈大笑,变得更自信、更乐观、更勇敢!
pete the cat I love my white shoes(colors)我喜欢我的白色球鞋(PDF+MP3)
皮特是一只酷酷的黑猫,有一天他从哪搞来一双白球鞋~天呢,这真是一双完美的鞋子!皮特迫不及待地穿上这双新鞋子去散步。一路大摇大摆,哼着小曲“I love my white shoes”,正高兴着呢,忽然扑哧一声,原来皮特踩到了一堆鲜红鲜红的草莓~白鞋子瞬间变成红鞋子。这时,画外音来了“Did pete cry?No”是的,遇见这种所谓的倒霉事,皮特可没有哭鼻子哦~皮特反而觉得这是一件很酷的事情,因为鞋子竟然变成了草莓的红色!……再后来,散步的路上,又踩到了蓝莓果,陷入泥浆里……皮特依然泰然自若,Because it's all good——因为这一切都很有趣。皮特那种换角度看问题的轻松与快乐,相信能够感染你的娃娃~
Pete the Cat and the Bad Banana.mp4
Pete The Cat -Petes Big Lunch Book.mp4
Pete The Cat -Pete's Big Lunch.mp4
Pete The Cat -Pete's BIG Lunch 2.mp4
Pete the Cat- Wheels on the Bus.mp4
Pete The Cat -The Wheels on the Bus.mp4
Pete The Cat -PLAYBALL.mp4
Pete The Cat -Play Ball 2.mp4
Pete The Cat -Cavecat Pete.mp4
Pete the Cat- Old MacDonald Had a Farm.mp4
Pete The Cat -Rock on, Mom and Dad .mp4
Pete the Cat Saves Christmas.mp4
Pete the Cat Saves Christmas 2.mp4
Pete The Cat Saves Christmas 3.mp4
Pete The Cat -Big Easter Adventure.mp4
Pete The Cat -Pete at the Beach.mp4
Pete the Cat- Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.mp4
Pete The Cat -Old MacDonald Had A Farm.mp4
Pete The Cat -Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.mp4
Pete The Cat -Too Cool for School.mp4
Pete The Cat -Too Cool For School 2.mp4
Pete The Cat -I Love My White Shoes.mp4
Pete The Cat -Rocking in My School Shoes.mp4
Pete The Cat -Rocking in My School Shoes 2.mp4
Pete The Cat -Construction Destruction.mp4
Pete the Cat and the New Guy.mp4
Pete The Cat Valentine's Day Is Cool.mp4
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