创意星系,Creative Galaxy,13集,mp4,1280x720(720p),英语发音 无字幕,亲子 | 创意手工
《Creative Galaxy》中文译为“创意星系”,是亚马逊在2013年首播的儿童动画系列节目。跟着Arty和他的搭档Epiphany进行艺术探险,他们找遍整个银行系去解决艺术创想问题!无论是为新的儿童图书馆创造一幅画,还是为妹妹造一个毛绒动物,还是为他的假扮丛林游戏做一个面具,Arty和Epiphany都会给出最有创意的设想。。。。
创意星系,Creative Galaxy第一集完整试看下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hseooRU 密码: qd7d
《Creative Galaxy》共播出了2季,第一季13集,第二季13集,每一集时长27分钟左右,包含2个小故事,动画为mp4高清720p分辨率,英语发音无字幕,动画色彩绚丽、对话简单,每一集的后半段还会出现真人小朋友的艺术手工创意制作部分,非常适合3-6岁的学龄前小朋友作为艺术创意手工视频观看。
Creative Galaxy is a children's television series that premiered on Amazon Video in 2013.Follow the adventures of Arty and his sidekick Epiphany, as they search the galaxy to solve creative problems with art! Whether Arty needs to create a painting for the new children's library, a stuffed animal for his sister, or make a mask for his jungle pretend play, Arty and Epiphany come to the rescue by enlisting the help of the most creative of all - the preschool home viewer.
英文儿童创意手工动画片:亚马逊创意星系_Creative Galaxy预览:
英文儿童创意手工动画片:亚马逊创意星系_Creative Galaxy目录:
Creative Galaxy - S01e01 - Arty's Masterpiece - A Home For Bunny
Creative Galaxy - S01e02 - Mom's Birthday - A Present For Baby Georgia
Creative Galaxy - S01e03 - Jackson's Action Painting - Arty Plays Safari
Creative Galaxy - S01e04 - Annie's Bracelet - Arty's Team Shirts
Creative Galaxy - S01e05 - Annie's Flowers - Arty's Indoor Campout
Creative Galaxy - S01e06 - Jackson's Dog - Arty's Play
Creative Galaxy - S01e07 - Arty's Art-y Party - Arty's Birthday Treasures
Creative Galaxy - S01e08 - Bathtime With Arty - Dinnertime!
Creative Galaxy - S01e09 - Family Fun Day - Game Night
Creative Galaxy - S01e10 - Arty Paints - Annie Arty's Colors
Creative Galaxy - S01e11 - Arty's Artistic Lunch - Art After Lunch
Creative Galaxy - S01e12 - Arty's Book - Arty's Grumpy Day
Creative Galaxy - S01e13 - Baby Georgia's First Christmas - Christmas Memories
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Art for kids hub_孩子的艺术中心_200个视频/绘画/手指画/手工
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