小宝贝布姆Little Baby Bum,avi1280x720
小宝贝布姆Little Baby Bum第一集试看链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1o7HFdkI 密码: vu92
《Little Baby Bum》小宝贝布姆是YouTube上最大的儿童教育频道,并且获奖无数。“Little Baby Bum”结合传统儿歌/儿童歌曲,用可爱的现代3D动画技术去制作精美的视频,帮助孩子们学习传统的儿歌,绚丽多彩的视觉效果、可爱的卡通角色,再加上动听的有韵律感的旋律,使每一个年龄段的孩子都感兴趣
相关推荐:“Little Baby Bum”音乐动画23集下载
小宝贝布姆Little Baby Bum英文儿歌动画预览
小宝贝布姆Little Baby Bum英文儿歌动画目录
1,2 Buckle my shoe
3 little kittens
5 little Speckled Frogs
A sailor went to sea
ABC In Outer Space
ABC phonics song
ABC songs
Animal sounds
Ants go marching
Baa baa black sheep
bath song
Being kind to each other
brush teeth song
Christmas is coming
Christmas is Magic
Colors and actions song for children
Days of the week song
Deck the halls
Ding dong bell
Dinosaur song
Driving in my car song
Exercise song
farmer in the dell
Finger family
Five little ducks
five little birds
Getting dressed song
Going on a lion hunt
Happy birthday song
Head shouders kness _ toes
Hello song
Here we go looby loo
Hey diddle diddle
Hickory dickory dock
Hot cross buns
Humpty dumpty
I hear thunder
Ice cream song for children
Jack and jill
Johny johny yes papa
Little boy blue
London bridge is falling down
Mary had a little lamb
Miss polly had a dolly
Mr_ golden sun
No monsters song
Number train 0
Numbers 10 to 100
Numbers song1
Old king cole
Old macdonald had a farm
Old mother hubbard
Once I caught a fish alive
Oranges and lemons
Pat a cake
Pop goes the weasel
Potty song
Pussy cat
Rain rain go away
Rainbow colors song
Rig a jig jig
Ring around the rosy
Rock a bye baby
Row row row your boat
See saw margery daw
Shapes train song
Sing a song of six pence
Six little ducks
Sleeping bunnies
Star light star bright
swimming song
Teddy bear
Ten green bottles
The bear went over the mountain
The color train song
The grand old duke of york
The itsy bitsy spider
The lion and The unicorn
the moon song
This little piggy
Three blind mice
to market to market
Twinkle twinkle little star
Wash your hands song
What time is it
Wheels on the bus
Wheels on the bus_1
Wheels on the bus_2
Wheels on the bus_3
where is thumbkin
Yankee doodle
zoo song
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