《亨利和马奇 Henry and Mudge》系列是Cynthia Rylant创作、Sucie Stevenson配插画的一系列初级桥梁书,简称H&M系列。
名称:Henry and Mudge 亨利和马奇
Henry and Mudge亨利和马奇系列 目录:
01 Henry and Mudge The First Book of Their Adventures (1987)
02 Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble (1987)
03 Henry and Mudge in the Green Time (1987)
04 Henry and Mudge under the yellow moon(1987)
04 Henry and Mudge under the yellow moon(1987)
05 Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days (1988)
06 Henry and Mudge and the Forever Sea (1989)
07 Henry and Mudge Get the Cold Shivers (1989)
08 Henry and Mudge and the Happy Cat (1990)
09 Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps (1991)
10 Hanry and Mudge Take the Big Test (1991)
11 Henry and Mudge and the Long Weekend (1992)
12 Henry and Mudge and the Wild Wind (1993)
13 Henry and Mudge and the Careful Cousin (1994)
14 Henry and Mudge and the Best Day of All (1995)
15 Henry and Mudge in the Family Trees (September 1998)
16 Henry and Mudge and the Sneaky Crackers (February 1999)
17 Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night (May 1999)
17 Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night wma (May 1999)
18 Henry and Mudge and Annie's Good Move (January 2000)
19 Henry and Mudge and the Snowman Plan (October 2000)
20 Henry and Mudge and Annie's Perfect Pet (February 2001)
21 Henry and Mudge and the Tall Tree House (2002)
22 Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's House (February 2003) wma
22 Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's House (February 2003)
23 Henry and Mudge and the Wild Goose Chase (October 2003)
24 Henry and Mudge and the Funny Lunch (March 2004)2
24 Henry and Mudge and The Funny Lunch (March 2004)
25 Henry and Mudge and a Very Merry Christmas (October 2004)
26 Henry and Mudge and the Great Grandpas (April 2005)
27 Henry and Mudge and the Tumbling Trip (October 2005)
28 Henry and Mudge and the Big Sleepover (May 2007)
Henry and Mudge and a very merry christmas
Henry and Mudge bedtime thumps
Henry and Mudge best day of All
Henry and Mudge big sleepver elem
Henry and Mudge big test
Henry and Mudge careful cousin elem
Henry and Mudge cold shivers elem
Henry and Mudge family trees
Henry and Mudge first book
Henry and Mudge forever sea
Henry and Mudge funny lunch
Henry and Mudge good move
Henry and Mudge great grandpas
Henry and Mudge green time
Henry and Mudge happy cat elem
Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble
Henry and Mudge long weekend
Henry and Mudge mrs hopper's house
Henry and Mudge perfect pet
Henry and Mudge puppy mudge Has a snack
Henry and Mudge puppy mudge Love his blanket
Henry and Mudge puppy mudge Take a bath
Henry and Mudge sneaky crackers
Henry and Mudge snowman plan
Henry and Mudge sparkle
Henry and Mudge starry night
Henry and Mudge tall tree house
Henry and Mudge tumble weeds primary
Henry and Mudge wild goose chase
Henry and Mudge wild wind
Henry and Mudge yellow moon
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